WMC 2016

Workshop on Mixed Criticality Systems
November 29, 2016 | Porto, Portugal | With RTSS 2016


0930-1030 Keynote: Daniel Gracia Perez (Thales)
Mixed-critical Experiences in the Safety-Critical Domain: From Single-Core to Multi-Cores
Daniel Gracia Pérez is a Research Engineer at THALES (France) with a PhD on Computer Architecture from Paris XI University and engineer degrees from the Kungliga Teckniska Högskolan (KTH, Sweden) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC, Spain). Previous professional experience include as researcher the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA, France), where he participated at the creation of the UNISIM micro-architecture simulation environment, and as engineer in Philips (France) and Ericsson (Sweden). He participated in the creation of the UNISIM project, while working at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA). He has participated in various French and European projects including ANR SoCLib (workpackage coordinator), ANR Hecosim (workpackage coordinator), CATRENE COMCASS, OPEES, ITEA TWINS, FP7 Certainty and FP7 DREAMS. He is also member of the HiPEAC network, where he has participated at the organization of various conferences and events. His current research consist on the development and application of new multi-core architectures for safety-critical systems. His research interests include computer architecture, networks on chip design, simulation, genetic algorithms and neural networks.
1030-1100 Coffee Break
Session I
1100-1130Probabilistic Analysis for Mixed Criticality Scheduling with SMC and AMC
Dorin Maxim, Robert Davis, Liliana Cucu-Grosjean and Arvind Easwaran
1130-1200A Risk-Constrained Markov Decision Process Approach to Scheduling Mixed-Criticality Job Sets
Bader Alahmad and Sathish Gopalakrishnan
Session II
1330-1400Overrun Handling for Mixed-Criticality Support in RTEMS
Kuan-Hsun Chen, Georg von der Brüggen and Jian-Jia Chen
1400-1430Scheduling for Mixed-criticality Hypervisor Systems in the Automotive Domain
Christos Evripidou and Alan Burns
1430-1500On the Safety of Mixed-Criticality Scheduling
Stefan Draskovic, Pengcheng Huang and Lothar Thiele
1500-1530Coffee Break
Session III
1530-1600Comparably Evaluating Communication Performance within Mixed-Criticality Systems
Keegan Napier, Oliver Horst and Christian Prehofer
1600-1630DREAMS: Cross-Domain Mixed-Criticality Patterns
Asier Larrucea, Imanol Martinez, Vicent Brocal, Hamidreza Ahmadian, Roman Obermaisser, Jon Perez and Salvador Peiró
1630-1700Utilising Asymmetric Parallelism in Multi-Core MCS Implemented via Cyclic Executives
Tom Fleming and Alan Burns